Track Day - Waiver

I, hereby release, and agree to hold harmless all persons, organizers, promoters, participants, directors, officials, representatives, agents, and employees of all of them, of and from all liability, loss, claims and demands that may accrue from any loss, damage or injury (including death) to my person or property, in any way resulting from, or arising in connection with this event, and whether arising while engaged in riding on the track, or in preparation therefore, or while upon, entering or departing from said premises, from any cause whatsoever.

I know the risk and danger to myself and property while upon said premises or while participating or assisting in this event, so voluntarily and in reliance, upon my own good judgment and ability, and I thereby assume all risk for loss, damage, or injury (including death) to myself and my property from any cause whatsoever.

We suggest all participants (riders, helpers, friends, family members, spectators) in Track Day assess the facility for themselves. If you feel there is an unsafe condition or situation, please inform an official. If you feel that the facility is unsafe in any manner, please see the organizers prior to 10 AM, and a refund will be arranged.

In plain English, I am participating in this event with the full knowledge and understanding that I may be injured or killed. I agree not to sue any of the organizers or participants for any injuries or property damage or loss that I may incur. This applies to my heirs and executors as well.

Failure to sign this waiver will forfeit my right to participate. Read this PRIOR to submitting your payment and be prepared to sign it at the TRACK. Do not bother signing now

Track Day General Preparation Payment Info Paid Schedule Waiver Rules FAQ TESTIMONIALS